Monday, 30 December 2013

Heart Medical Treatment of Angiography and Angioplasty

Angiography and angioplasty are multifarious medical treatment mechanisms and people are not much conscious of the variance between them. Many have a tendency to get scared about the result of it, because this is the procedure involving with the heart care and many think which is costly. Only few heart diseases suffering people knows the benefit of undergoing such a treatment.

Angiography and angioplasty both medical treatments are used to treat a cardiac disease or heart disease. The major difference between these two is, angiography is used to diagnose if any inside artery or blood vessels of heart is obstructed or blocked.
Angiography procedure usually is done by injecting a catheter or radio-opaque contrast agent into a blood vessels and fluid. When this agent passes from blood vessels, imaging using X-ray shows the location of blocked vessels and angioplasty performed to clean the blocked vessels.
In angioplasty, the cardiac surgeons put a balloon on the tip of catheter and insert near blocked artery. When the balloon inflated, the adipose blockage is pressurized against the artery and this unveils the block, establishing blood flow to heart.

Angiography procedure performed only for the recognize health condition of the heart but the angioplasty perform for opening the blocked artery of heart. Doctors advice such treatment only if there is need.

Benefits of Angioplasty
  • If suffered heart attack then angioplasty and stenting manage to save life reducing heart artery damage.
  • Immediate sign of improvement for cardiac and vascular disease patients.
  • Angioplasty is less invasive treatment for cardiac heart disease than bypass surgery.
  • Recovery time is lower than bypass surgery. 

These are normal medical procedures and heart patient face rare problem during this heart care treatment. If facing any heart related issues then consult your nearest cardiology hospital for cardiac treatments by cardiologist.

One such specialised hospital in heart care is Inamdar multispeciality hospital where the cardiology speciality has all modern and sophisticated technology with group of expert cardiologists in pune to treat all heart patients with different kinds of cardiac disease.

Monday, 16 December 2013

Care of child in winter season

Mother always worriment about care of child in winter season and feel greatly tense about the health of child during the season. A transformation in the weather means change in routine observance to take care of your child or baby. Many states in India facing chilled winter season now days. Be ready for winter care with some safety and healthy weather tips.
This weather of cold creates various health issues in child as well as in adult. In this period the cold and flu viruses make the swirl through homes as well as in day care centre too.  Many common cold virus are air born, baby or any one easily seized by the virus and gets sick. If your child breathe within 4 to 6 feet of anybody suffering cold and flu then easily catch the virus himself. A wise mum can pass this scary season wisely and happily.

Some Useful Tips

  • Wash your hands before interacting with infant and children.
  • Hold the infant and children always in warm clothes.
  • Do not forget to cover the ear and feet.
  • Give a steam of plain water daily to infant and children.
  • Do not be carelessness about dry skin of infant and children.
  • Use moisturizers and baby lotion on the skin of infant and children.
  • Change diapers repeatedly due to winter cold the urine output increase.
  • Give pure honey one time daily to infant (older than 6 months) and children.
  • Clean the snitch of child using soft clothes.
  • Try to stay indoors in winter season.
  • Warm the children from inside out with heart-warming dishes like soups, stew add ginger, garlic and honey in it.
  • Boost the immune system giving healthy diet.
  • Stimulate to play indoor physical game.
  • Take in early sunshine which is source of vitamin D.
Winter is drastic season for most of the infant and children’s as they undergo from small or major health problems. But the proper care of infant and children can minimizes the issues by just following simple steps.

Inamdar pediatrics hospital in pune offering best pediatrician services to the infant and children of all age. Our other services are cardiology, orthopedic, cosmetics, ent, neurology, nephrology and stem cell therapy pune.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Winter Care Tips for your Skin

Numerous people suffers skin problem in winter season. Winter brings inconvenient dryness of skin of face, feet, lips, hands etc. Initially a minor skin problem becomes worst if neglected, results in flaking, cracking of skin, eczema etc.
Cold climate makes your skin dry and itchy, so it is important to take care of skin. Many thinks that the moisturizer  nourishments only needs women but it is totally wrong winter affects men as well as women’s skin.
Skin is zolaistic of its natural moisture due to the barrier that protect becoming dry is the outer layer of skin, stratum corneum. As skin becomes dry the pulp or lipids which helps to put forward skin cells all together and inhibits water loss. Without lipids the cells do not penned together and exfoliate. Skin lost its natural protective moisturisers. Dry skin starts to itch due to the clutter in normal skin and causes inflammation. Who suffer from eczema may itch a lot. Posterior skin disease and problems may include chafing, chapped lips, cracked foots, dry skin.

Note down Some Useful skin care tips for the winter season
Avoid hard Essence
Strong and harsh chemicals, soaps, hot water and seavenger may inflame you dry skin. People facing eczema may find alternative instead of soaps and detergents. Soap and harmful detergents affect the moisture of skin and make it drier. Do not use much heated water and avoid chemical based products.
So many avoids using moisturiser when their pelts need it. Use a natural moisturiser to nourish your skin. And avoid dryness of it. If getting red skin then consult your dermatologist
Exfoliation of skin
Mild Exfoliation of skin to get reshuffles the dry skin cells from body. Use daily gentle polisher like walnut.
Nourished Foods
Having right nutrients will help your health and give your skin proper nourishment.  Poor food affects the skin and results in dry and flaky skin. Include Vitamin A, B, C, D, E which founds in freuits, vegetables and dairy products.
Nourished Facial
Use homemade facial to keep your skins moisture alive. Massaging the whole body using coconut oil is also helpful.
Protect skin
Wear the winter wear clothes for protecting your skin from cold. Harsh chill causes dryness.
Drink Water
Drink plenty of water which helps to keep your skin and body hydrated.

Inamdar Multispeciality Hospital is leading healthcare provider based in pune city offering services in Cardiac Treatments, dermatology, obstetrics and gynecology, heart care, ent , Proctology, stem cells therapy, Neurosurgery, pediatrics , nephrology and orthopedic in pune etc.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Medical Courses in Pune

Inamdar multispeciality hospital based at Fatima Nagar, Pune offering Post graduate diploma in emergency Medical services i.e pgdems course,  cch cgo courses, certificate course in skin disease, cgo certificate in gynecology & obstetrics and many more.

PGDEMS courses:  Post graduate diplomas in emergency Medical services focuses on pre-hospital medical care and generate consciousness in the community. Pgdems course educates the doctors and medical professionals in the area of accidental and emergency medical services.
The main goal behind this course is execute appropriate physical examination and history of suffering patients, Point out the diacritic diagnosis, cultivate proficiency in multi-tasking, build the resurgence skills, develop and deliver basic treatment plan from admission to discharge procedure.

CGO Courses: Inamdar hospital in pune is also offering certificate courses in Gynecology and Obstetrics. The main objective behind this course i to train the doctor in Gynecology and Obstetrics related disease and treatments. It includes topics like menstrual abnormalities, Infertility, Diabetes and hypertension in pregnancy and many more.

CCH Courses: In child health certification courses we train the doctors and nurses in common disease in new born child like OPD illness, breast feeding, Gastroenteritis management in child, fever, vaccines, Jaundice, Iron,-Calcium-Multivitamin deficiency  ,Pediatric disease and many more.

Certificate courses in skin disease: In this certification course of skin disease hospital train the doctors and medical professionals in skin related disease like Pyodermas, skin structure, Acne and Acneiform Dermatoses, STD, chickenpox, Vitiligo and many more.

Post Graduation Diploma in Clinical Research: This is 6 months week-end training program. Hospital develops skills via induction reading, internship, training workshops, examinations and assignments etc.
India is rapidly emerging country for conduct of global Clinical Trials.

Inamdar hospital in pune is imparting merit education to scholar looking for a perfect practice in medical industry. These courses are purporting to glaciate safety and effective practise in healthcare industry.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Enjoy healthy Diwali with family and friends...

Diwali is exclusive festival for all Indian all over world and it is on the way. Everyone lead up to decorate home and making special sweets on the occasion.  In every family parents and elders showers their extra love with extra sweet during the festival. The mithaiyain like laddoos, kaju katlis made using lots of Ghee and sugar. Keep the healthier option of sugar free and low fats sweets. In this period Health becomes the least priorities in the festival of Diwali. Everyone is keen to enjoy the sweets ignoring health.
This little time ignorance might damage your body health for long time due to unwanted calories, fats and unwanted intake of sugar affects the diabetic patients as well as normal person too some time. The air pollution and noise pollution which affects your lungs health and ent health. So here I am telling you some stay healthy tips in Diwali festival with lots of enjoyment.

Some useful tips for safe, plausible and healthy diwali celebrations...
1. Every one desire to enjoy colourful sweets but much gorging becomes harder to resist and many Indians are diabetic so keep watch on sugar intake.

2. After gorging delicious sweets we forget to drink plenty of water frequently. Its helps to keep your body hydrated and make your hunger contentedness.

3. Chose healthy Healthier Desserts to you and your dear ones.
4. Keep yourself away from sweets which have used chemical preservatives, because preservative are dangerous to kidney and liver health and damages functioning of kidneys and liver.

5. Stave off silver coated sweets because that foils are mostly impure through metal used like aluminium which store in body tissues and sometimes may enter in brain and hazardous the health.

6. Avoid firecrackers which makes air and noise pollutions, instead of crackers light up the some extra Diyas or donate the money for some needy.
7. Burn injuries happens due to unawareness or lack of precaution at the time of burning crackers, so be aware and take necessary precaution,  Burn crackers from safe distance. Do not allow kids to burn it.

8. Keep earplugs on ear at the time of burning explosive crackers which helps from excessive noise

9. Keep alcohol away because the friends’ gathering makes possibility of excessive intake in days of celebration. It is unsafe to drive and gives hangover.

10. Buy reasonable gifts which are healthy and safe for all those who are dears to you.

Play a Special colourful Diwali with gleam of diyas and near dear family and friends. Wish you all Happy Diwali from Inamdar Multispecialty Hospital in Pune.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Excessive Fat Removing Technicality from body

Let’s today discuss about fat present in body. What is fat? What reason causes to create it excessive in someone’s body and which creates a many health issues and solution on it.

Fat: It is naturalistic oily material exist in animal bodies, particularly when deposits as layer beneath the skin or particularly near some organs in body. It is signification for animal body functioning without it the human being or any animal could not live. Fat accumulate the energy and supply it to the body which makes eventual for other nutrients to do their functioning properly. Fat is ordinarily soluble in organic solvents and insoluble in water.

Fat is useful to supply fatty acid to your body. And these fatty acid essential to control inflammation, brain development and blood clotting etc. Fat protects your body organs
According to dietician in pune the percentage of fats required in body age wise is

2-3 Year Age Group Children: fat intake should be 30% to 35% of entire calorie intake
4-18 Year Age Group Children: fat intake should be 25% to 35% of entire calorie intake
Adult to Older Age Group: fat intake should be 20% to 35% of entire calorie intake

Intake of too many fats in diet leads the obesity health issues. And the overweight or obesity leads diabetes, sleep apnea problem, arthritis, cancer, high blood pressure and many other health issues.

Over the last some decades the percentage rate of fat intake significantly increased and becoming the reason of overweight and obesity. There are many factors affecting on the lifestyle of people. An unwanted fact affects the health.

Fat or Liposuction recapturing from body suing modern technology suction which is called also megaliposuction surgery in pune the best way to get rid from unwanted fats in body.

At the time of liposuction surgery doctor inserts small, lean, blunt-tipped tubes in the skin. Fat pulled out via tubes throughout the beneath of skin to target the conspicuous fat deposited.

Megaliposuction or liposuction surgery is safer, convenient and painless technique

Inamdar multispeciality hospital is offering laparoscopic surgery, cosmetic surgery, general surgery and liposuction in pune.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Blood Disease Types and Reasons

Today we will discuss about blood disorders which can affect your whole body system. How many knows about what is blood and its disorders?
Blood in body is combination of plasma and cells of liquid and solids respectively. Plasma is liquid part which is made of salt, water and protein. More than half of blood contains plasma. And the solid part comprises red blood cells, white blood cell and platelets. 
Blood related disease or disorder impresses the blood functioning and stops its proper working. The disorders may acute or chronic. Numerous blood diseases are inherited and also there are different causes solder like other disease, medicine side effects, lack of nutritious diet etc.
Many major diseases affects on main three factors
  •  White Cells
  •  Red cells
  •  Platelets
Some time it is also sway on the plasma present in blood.

The blood disorder treatments and prognosis for blood disorder varies depend on the condition of blood disease and its intensity.

White Blood Cells
White cell in blood helps to battle the infection in body. It is also called leukocytes. The disorders occurs when bone marrow procures too many or very low white cells as well as not working properly.
White Blood Cells Disorders - chronic infection, weight loss, fatigue, feeling of being unwell etc.

Red Blood Cells
Your body system requires iron for haemoglobin production which is helpful in carrying oxygen from lungs to rest of body parts. Due to deficiency of iron in body it affects production of haemoglobin and causes various disorders.
Disorder like Anaemia generally causes due to lack of proteins in your blood
Red Blood Cells Disorders – Breathe shortness, fatigue, concentration trouble due to oxygen lack in brain, muscular weakness, fast heartbeat etc.

Platelets help to restore injury and prevent bleeding and sculpting of blood clots.  The Low platelets in blood become the reason of serious bleeding and also many platelets in blood have major risk of blood clots. Low platelets and too many platelets become the reason of blood disorder.
Platelet Disorder- injuries not healing or very slow in heal, skin bruises, nose bleeding, gum bleeding etc.

We at Inamdar Multispeciality Hospital is offering various blood disorders treatment in pune and health check up packages using advanced technology like stem cells therapy

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Childhood Obesity Timely Concern – Severe Problem

The proliferation of childhood obesity is amplifying in India day by day. Studies show amongst the school children in different areas of country have proven prevalence of overweight changing from 8 to 37.5%.

The expansion of overweight and obesity is highest in upper socioeconomic class i.e 17.2% overweigh and 4.8% are fat as compared to lower socioeconomic class 4% overweight and <1% fat.

The expansion obesity according to BMI cut off contention in pune was found 5.7% whereas the prevalence of overweight was 19.9%. Obesity raises risk of many chronic diseases accompanying with mellitus, cardiovascular disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and decrease the overall quality of life.

It is well presented that both behavioral and biological risk component of the disorder persist from childhood to adulthood. Therefore, it is compulsory to identify the risk individuals at an early stage of tamper early.

Besides a few endocrine causes childhood corpulence is usually caused by a Varity of complex reasons like genetics, excess junk food intake diminished exercise, and converted western lifestyle. Indians are more sensitive to side impact of obesity as compared to others because of the body composition and metabolism. With 3 to5% supreme body fat and central location of body fat for the same BMI makes more inclined to its ill effect.

Present management of obesity in adolescents umbilicus on the hitch task of losing in excess calorie intake and growing physical activity. Medications have a preface role in treatment. But what is more important is to identify at risk in children.

As a routine practice it’s mandatory to check height, weight of child and plot a growth chart.
We require essential action and the time for action is now.

Inamdar multispeciality hospital offering full body checkup in pune for obesity and overweight problem as well as offering treatment on liposuction in pune with affordable health check up packages in pune by hands of general surgon in pune.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Doctors performed a challenging laparoscopy surgery

Life existence became plight for a patient who met with serious accident on 30th May 2013. He undergo grievous trauma to his chest and had lots of straining in breathing.  Initially He admitted at nearby small hospitalin pune where he derives fist aid treatment. The patient was suspected to have bone fracture in his left collar and ribs along with diaphragmatic rupture. Then he translocated in inamdar multispeciality hospital for further advance treatment management.

In Inamdar multispeciality hospital the patient referred to general surgery specialists  in pune who attended the sufferer and garnishee order an emergency C.T. Scan which comply a rare diagnosis of diaphragmatic rupture.

Diaphragm injuries are comparatively rare and consequence blunt trauma or penetrating trauma.
Injury of Diaphragm affects the functioning of diaphragmatic. Diaphragm is a muscular body part that distinct chest from abdominal cavity. In this case there is 5% probability of diaphragm injury with chest wall injuries. Once diaphragm is ruptured abdominal component transmigrate to chest and compress the lungs. This makes to breath arduous to the patient. These patients need an emergency surgery for reformation of such injuries. Conventionally this operation is done with open surgery of abdomen and chest which consume lengthy time for recovery, ICU stay as well as for surgery. 

Due to availability of developed and advanced HD operating system at inamdar hospital this operation performed laproscopically  by a team of laparoscopic surgeon in pune.; that is without opening abdominal and chest of this patient for surgery.

Patients overall spleen along with section of liver and colon had shifted to his chest cavity. All these parts of body restored to their prime location and the uprooted Diaphragm was repaired using advanced techniques laparoscopic surgery in pune.

Patient recovered within 5 days without ICU stay and discharged from hospital within a week.

Inamdar Multispecialty Hospital is recognized for cardiology services and have expert cardiologist in pune .

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Some informacie for Heart Health Care

Heart plays very crucial responsibility in body of living being; it pumps blood via blood vessels and helps to rhythmic pressure. Acceptance of suitable and specific heath care of heart may magnify your life duration by dicker.
Many disorders of heart are main reason of death due to heart failure, heart attack and become reason of higher mortality cancer. Many times heart disease of coronary is amenable for deaths due to improper Cardiac Treatments. Numerous male and female are sustenance with heart disease.
Cardiovascular disease is the main reason of more deaths in India. Cardiology a branch of medicine deals with heart care. Many heart care centerin pune are offering Cardiac Treatments by hands of cardiologist in pune.
In India the death counts increasing due to the growth in changing  life style of people rapidly. Cardiac surgeon in pune says that there are many factors that affects of health care. Few factors you may control few are not possible to control. Heredity, diabetes and age are main danger reasons behind cardiology disease.
 Heart Hospital in Pune Advice some Tips
·         Maintain healthy diet including fruits.
·         Include lower carbohydrates in your luncheon
·         Do exercise daily at early morning
·         Avoid Smoking and alcohol intake because it increase more risk of heart disease
·         Slacken your stress, do stress verification examination frequently
·         Diabetes people must check their blood sugar level regularly because they have major chance of cardiac disease.
·         Monitor your overweight
·         Control unnecessary glucose
Do Regular healths check up in multispeciality hospital or recognized Cardiology Hospital Pune. Change your way of living with including healthy lifestyle.

Inamdar Multispecialty Hospital is offering regular health check up packages in pune for cardiology heart patient.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Multiple Sclerosis Disease and Treatment

Today we will discuss on what is multiple Sclerosis, causes, symptoms and treatment for the disease.

Multiple Sclerosis is a disorder that sways the brain and spinal cord, results in impairment of muscles monitoring, balance and sensation, eyesight etc. It is also called MS, in MS the veins of the spinal cord and brain may damage injured by immune system. And this type of state called an autoimmune disease.

Autoimmune disease inside body’s immune system which usually targets afterwards demolish the external elements of body such like bacteria, erroneously assault normal tissues.  It attacks the two main elements of central nervous system of body that is brain and spinal cord. Our central nervous system is made up fatty element Myelin which helps in transmission of veins rapidity or it work like mediator between brain and other parts. This mediator controls muscular movement like conversation problem, walking etc.

Multiple Sclerosis Diseases affects this muscular movement and results in ruin Myelin. Anyone can become the victim of these diseases.There are several types of Multiple Sclerosis Diseases with different sickness but the nervous system damage is always included.

Major Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis:
  • Eyesight disorder like vision problem, eye pain, one eyesight loss
  • Limb debility, loss of communion and equilibration
  • Loss of body movement and sensation
  • Speech obstruction, tremor, detour
  • Muscles strain, stress, anaesthetization, nyxis pain
  • Bowel and Bladder dysfunction
  • Psychic transformation like loss of concentration, attention loss, memory loss,
  • Depression, lunacy
  • Uncontrolled jibe and sobbing

Due to lack of proper symptoms Multiple Sclerosis may not diagnosed in early stage. The neurology branch of medicine deals with such type of disease. Neurologist follows in details history of patients and starts neurological treatments. 
Inamdar multispeciality hospital is recognized neurology hospitals in pune for neurology treatment. We have best team of neurologist in pune. We also have top specialist of neurosurgeon in pune

Monday, 29 July 2013

Skin Disease and treatment

Skin, we all know is a lean layer of tissues which forms the natural mask on the body of person or animal.  It is one of the major and large organ on the body, which helps to protect the bones, muscles and other organs of body. There are  various types of skins approaches as like human body have delicate skin with hair rather the reptile have hard skin as well as the  oceanic animals skin is hairless. Skins major work is protect the body from external factor.
Skin helps to experience the outer world, protect you from viruses and regulates the temperature of body. If your skin has some problem then it shows conditions like swelling, redness, burning, irritation and itching etc. Problem related immune system, allergies, or other disease can be the victim of skin problem.
There are number of people existing with a skin disease all over the world.  Several skin diseases are adequate to kill the patient. We all need to more conscious and need proper help to change this. Some skin diseases are not curable but we can keep in control under medication and maintain healthy lifestyle.
In skin general diseases found are Dry Skin, Eczema etc.
Dry Skin
Most of the people face dry skin problem, dry skin happens due to lack of proper water supply to the shallow layer of skin that is called as epidemical layer. This problem underlay in between men and women equally, elderly people encounters much more. Use of natural oils of skin and smoothness lotions helps to all.
It is the itchiest dermatitis, it is found in newborn, adults elder in any age people. The dominated area of eczema
Starts itching and become dryer and scaly, it may be your wrist, knees, hands and feet or may be other part of body too. Affected area become reddish and may be brown. It also can be sway pigmentation.

One of the leading multispecialty hospitals offering treatment on skin disease by bestdermatologist in pune  as well as offering certificate course in skin disease.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

How joint replacement therapy keeps you sharp

Most of the time the first sign of senility is our knees start up creaking, hands mislay their suppleness, waist pain limber up and back pain chase out of extent. This type of pain is common in combatant, marathoners and same in younger fitness ultra-orthodox due to overdo physical bustling are accompanying the older adults in suffering chronic orthopedics subject.

Ailment, conjugation and injuries to the musculoskeletal system of body eventually affect more people. One of the Orthopedics hospitals in pune endowing Joint Replacement Surgery to the affected injured. Inamdar Multispecialty Hospital in Pune obtained many accolades for its accomplishments in the realm of Orthopedicsin pune.

Few signs that indicated you need getting old and need proper care of your joints:

Ø  Stiffness of Joints in morning
Ø  Swelling of the joints
Ø  Chronic joint pain
Ø  Issue with moving joints generally
Ø  Flabbiness or grief trouble at the time of joint movement
Ø  Caloric and ruddiness on a joint

If you are facing symptoms like mentioned in above list then do hurry and visit the orthopedics hospital or consult orthopedist.

Other variant joint disease can additionally impress other limbs of your body, and can become the cause of other illness like

Ø  Continuous fever
Ø  Rashes on skin or skin itching
Ø  Difficulty at the time of breathing
Ø  Loss of body weight

Joint pain may occurs due to agitation and can be grievous ample to limit the motion of joints.  It is also characterize as an inconvenience in joints, inflammation of joints etc.

Joint Replacement Surgery is the greatest evolution for orthopedics services and the orthopedics hospital. The expert orthopedic surgeon performs the joint replacement.

Inamdar hospital in pune is one of the recognized multispeciality hospital have expert Orthopedic Surgeon for Joint Replacement Surgery in pune India.