Monday, 16 December 2013

Care of child in winter season

Mother always worriment about care of child in winter season and feel greatly tense about the health of child during the season. A transformation in the weather means change in routine observance to take care of your child or baby. Many states in India facing chilled winter season now days. Be ready for winter care with some safety and healthy weather tips.
This weather of cold creates various health issues in child as well as in adult. In this period the cold and flu viruses make the swirl through homes as well as in day care centre too.  Many common cold virus are air born, baby or any one easily seized by the virus and gets sick. If your child breathe within 4 to 6 feet of anybody suffering cold and flu then easily catch the virus himself. A wise mum can pass this scary season wisely and happily.

Some Useful Tips

  • Wash your hands before interacting with infant and children.
  • Hold the infant and children always in warm clothes.
  • Do not forget to cover the ear and feet.
  • Give a steam of plain water daily to infant and children.
  • Do not be carelessness about dry skin of infant and children.
  • Use moisturizers and baby lotion on the skin of infant and children.
  • Change diapers repeatedly due to winter cold the urine output increase.
  • Give pure honey one time daily to infant (older than 6 months) and children.
  • Clean the snitch of child using soft clothes.
  • Try to stay indoors in winter season.
  • Warm the children from inside out with heart-warming dishes like soups, stew add ginger, garlic and honey in it.
  • Boost the immune system giving healthy diet.
  • Stimulate to play indoor physical game.
  • Take in early sunshine which is source of vitamin D.
Winter is drastic season for most of the infant and children’s as they undergo from small or major health problems. But the proper care of infant and children can minimizes the issues by just following simple steps.

Inamdar pediatrics hospital in pune offering best pediatrician services to the infant and children of all age. Our other services are cardiology, orthopedic, cosmetics, ent, neurology, nephrology and stem cell therapy pune.