Sunday, 29 September 2013

Childhood Obesity Timely Concern – Severe Problem

The proliferation of childhood obesity is amplifying in India day by day. Studies show amongst the school children in different areas of country have proven prevalence of overweight changing from 8 to 37.5%.

The expansion of overweight and obesity is highest in upper socioeconomic class i.e 17.2% overweigh and 4.8% are fat as compared to lower socioeconomic class 4% overweight and <1% fat.

The expansion obesity according to BMI cut off contention in pune was found 5.7% whereas the prevalence of overweight was 19.9%. Obesity raises risk of many chronic diseases accompanying with mellitus, cardiovascular disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and decrease the overall quality of life.

It is well presented that both behavioral and biological risk component of the disorder persist from childhood to adulthood. Therefore, it is compulsory to identify the risk individuals at an early stage of tamper early.

Besides a few endocrine causes childhood corpulence is usually caused by a Varity of complex reasons like genetics, excess junk food intake diminished exercise, and converted western lifestyle. Indians are more sensitive to side impact of obesity as compared to others because of the body composition and metabolism. With 3 to5% supreme body fat and central location of body fat for the same BMI makes more inclined to its ill effect.

Present management of obesity in adolescents umbilicus on the hitch task of losing in excess calorie intake and growing physical activity. Medications have a preface role in treatment. But what is more important is to identify at risk in children.

As a routine practice it’s mandatory to check height, weight of child and plot a growth chart.
We require essential action and the time for action is now.

Inamdar multispeciality hospital offering full body checkup in pune for obesity and overweight problem as well as offering treatment on liposuction in pune with affordable health check up packages in pune by hands of general surgon in pune.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Doctors performed a challenging laparoscopy surgery

Life existence became plight for a patient who met with serious accident on 30th May 2013. He undergo grievous trauma to his chest and had lots of straining in breathing.  Initially He admitted at nearby small hospitalin pune where he derives fist aid treatment. The patient was suspected to have bone fracture in his left collar and ribs along with diaphragmatic rupture. Then he translocated in inamdar multispeciality hospital for further advance treatment management.

In Inamdar multispeciality hospital the patient referred to general surgery specialists  in pune who attended the sufferer and garnishee order an emergency C.T. Scan which comply a rare diagnosis of diaphragmatic rupture.

Diaphragm injuries are comparatively rare and consequence blunt trauma or penetrating trauma.
Injury of Diaphragm affects the functioning of diaphragmatic. Diaphragm is a muscular body part that distinct chest from abdominal cavity. In this case there is 5% probability of diaphragm injury with chest wall injuries. Once diaphragm is ruptured abdominal component transmigrate to chest and compress the lungs. This makes to breath arduous to the patient. These patients need an emergency surgery for reformation of such injuries. Conventionally this operation is done with open surgery of abdomen and chest which consume lengthy time for recovery, ICU stay as well as for surgery. 

Due to availability of developed and advanced HD operating system at inamdar hospital this operation performed laproscopically  by a team of laparoscopic surgeon in pune.; that is without opening abdominal and chest of this patient for surgery.

Patients overall spleen along with section of liver and colon had shifted to his chest cavity. All these parts of body restored to their prime location and the uprooted Diaphragm was repaired using advanced techniques laparoscopic surgery in pune.

Patient recovered within 5 days without ICU stay and discharged from hospital within a week.

Inamdar Multispecialty Hospital is recognized for cardiology services and have expert cardiologist in pune .