Monday, 1 October 2012

Advanced treatment of Small Joint- Implant from ZnO2 Ceramic
For more information Visit our Website @

Inaugural Ceremony of Indian Medical Association

Inamdar Hospital Invites you to the Inaugural Ceremony of Indian Medical Association, Hadapsar branch, On Sunday 7th Oct Between 5PM to 7 PM

For more information please Visit to our website

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

International Patients at Inamdar Hospital

Inamdar Hospital

With our eminent panel of super specialty doctors, Inamdar Multispecialty Hospital [IMH] provides World Class Medical Services equivalent to the world's best medical facilities. Being a Multispecialty Hospital, Our services are varied and range from Cardiology and Orthopaedic to Gynaecology and Cosmetic Surgery.
Inamdar Hospital Welcomes You

Black Tea & Good Habits

Black Tea is made from the same plant as green tea and white tea. Black tea doesn't mean tea without milk, and white tea doesn't mean tea with milk. The difference is the way the tea leaves are processed after picking. Green and white teas are hardly processed at all, whereas black tea is fully oxidized. Here are 10 health benefits of drinking black tea:

1. Studies continue to show that tea is very good for you, and has some amazing health properties that cannot be ignored.

2. Black teas contain antioxidants which prevent the damage caused by free radicals which can lead to numerous diseases. Hence effective in all Types of respiratory tract infections.

3. Drinking black teas can help to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes, as it helps to expand the arteries, which increases blood flow to the heart.

4. Research has shown the black tea can be used in the fight against cancer. Properties of the tea slow down the growth of cancerous cells without destroying healthy cells.

5. Tea is also believed to help to delay the aging process. Nowadays there are many anti aging creams and lotions that contain tea extracts to help the skin look younger.

6. Drinking black tea can help to burn fat and speed up metabolism. This makes it an ideal drink for those who are looking to lose weight, or who exercise regularly.

7. Drinking tea such as black and green tea helps to reduce bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol

8. Tea contains fluoride, which can help to prevent tooth decay by strengthening tooth enamel.

9. For those people with diabetes, drinking tea can help to decrease glucose levels, which can reduce the risk of cataracts, and other conditions brought about by diabetes.

10. Investigations have shown that the benefits of black tea are lessened when milk is added. So, in order to take advantage of the amazing health benefits of this tea, it's recommended that you don't take your tea with milk or sugar
. . Black tea antioxidants, like

polyphenols, scavenge your body for these free radicals to neutralize them...and may even repair the damage they cause it helps also to reduce your levels of the stress hormone cortisol1

    Improve your memory and possibly treat Alzheimer's2
    Act as an anti-carcinogen and inhibit tumor growth3
    Decrease your risk for stroke4


1 . Drink Black boiled any brand of tea. no sugar & no milk. avoid coffee if possible.

2 . Eat alternate day vegetables like'cabbage, flower,broccili.

3 . Eat 5 grams of only raw garlic with food any time.

4 . Apply any brand little coconut oil to face & body after bath, so as to prevent dryness of face & skin . no shampoo or high-      fi.oil needed.

5. Take 2 min. of plain steam inhalation before brushing teeth & then going to bed --- i hope you will forward this simple             'self care' to all employees ,vendors & those working in they will remain fit & fine.

Why is it easy to form bad habits, and so hard to form good ones? The REASON is plain. Our natural inclination is to take the line of least resistance.

It requires at first a distinct effort to take the more difficult of two possible courses of action. For instance it is easier to lie in bed on a cold morning than to get up early. It is easier to tell, a lie then to own up and take the punishment for a fault. It is easier to put off today's duties to tomorrow than to do them at the right time.

Now a habit is formed by repetition. Every time we yield to temptation, we make it easier to yield, harder to resist the next time. So we form the habit of laziness, lying and unpunctuality. Happily good habits are formed in the same way LIKE brushing your teeth before going to sleep & eating 5 gms of RAW garlic with food once a day or consuming BLACK tea without milk & sugar. The forming of them calls for

effort and determination at first, but every time we resist temptation and do what is in the long run wise and good, we make next struggle less severe , at last; we form a good habit which would be hard to BREAK even if we want to break it. Get in to the habit of early rising and you will not want to lie in bed like a lazybones. Get in to the habit of telling the truth and you will find really hard to tell a lie. Get in to the habit of doing today's work today and for your good HEALTH follow the above suggestions . You will feel uncomfortable if you have to put anything off till tomorrow Habit forming is very important , for character is simply a bundle of habits. If we form good habits, we build up a good character & good health, if we form bad habits we know NOW is the time to do something about it.

For more information about this article please visit INAMDAR MULTISPECIALITY HOSPITAL IN PUNE

Monday, 20 August 2012

Free Membership in Women's Wellness Club-Inamdar Hospital

Womens Wellness Club
A special Wellness club only for women's.

For more information visit Inamdar Hospital at
Hospital Building S. No, 15, Fatima Nagar, Pune
Maharashtra 411 040, India
Visit our Website @

Have a Happy and Healthy Monsoon ! ! !

Happy Monsoon

The much awaited monsoon is here and all of us are heaving a sigh of relief from the scorching heat of summer.  This is the time to enjoy and with a little care everybody can have fun… read on…
Skin :
During continuous rains skin is most vulnerable to disease. Due to presence of continuous moisture there are various places in your body like feet (between toes), hands; thigh regions etc. which can be hosts for fungal disease.  Please keep this area dry or wipe immediately when it gets wet. Avoid wearing clothes like jeans which do not dry immediately, wear cotton most of the time which is skin friendly.  Those who are having diabetes needs to take extra care of their feet. Please do not walk barefooted. Avoid wearing wet shoes.
This is the season to pamper your appetite and enjoy a delicious variety of mouth watering food, but with caution.  Do not eat leftover food.  Make sure whatever you eat is fresh and hygienic.  Avoid eating at a place where you are not sure of hygiene.  Be light on your stomach; avoid eating late as your digestive system goes slow in this season.  Make sure that the area of your house in which you store your food items is dry and ventilated.  In the absence of a water purifier at home please use boiled water.
Avoid tight-fitting clothes and clothes that do not dry readily.  Carry an extra pair of clothes for children and elders with you in this season.  Wear bright-colored clothes while walking on roads as it increases the visibility in poor light conditions and helps avoid accidents.  Avoid wearing thick clothes like jeans etc.  They do not dry readily and keep moisture and may make you prone to skin disease.
Care for children
Children love this season the most. In fact they are the one who enjoy this season to the fullest. Make them change clothes immediately when wet. Ask to them take a bath after bath in rain with a good anti-septic soap.
Instruct them to wash hands frequently in this season to avoid infection.  Give them good food and avoid too much of junk stuff which can lower their immunity and lead to frequent infections and visits to the doctor. Give them variety of good home cooked food.
Senior citizens
This VIP class needs special care during monsoons. Please avoid their going out in the rains as far as possible.
There are chances of injury due to unexpected fall on slippery areas. This can lead to problems.  Take medicines regularly have an extra stock for 10 days in this season so in case of very heavy rains there are no chances of non availability.  Carry a stick and torch along with you whenever you go out, of course buffered with a raincoat or umbrella.  Be light on your stomach and avoid taking anything from outside.  Please take care of skin disease.

With these few tips everybody can enjoy monsoon without any problems.
Have a happy and healthy monsoon!!!

For any query related to treatment please feel free to contact us at Inamdar Multispeciality Hospital In Pune